Happy People Helping People
Coming soon ...
A short story about HAPPY PEOPLE who are HELPING PEOPLE.
Happy People making a valuable contribution to the communities in which they live.
Happy Parents relaxed in retirement knowing that their children are happy and safe, living in their own homes, close to home.
Happy People like Luke.
Summary -
When I went to the USA in June 2006 I saw -
Beautiful Homes
Magnificent Facilities
Fantastic Programs
But what impressed me the most was the people I met -
Happy People
Helping People
Supportive Companies
Supportive Communities
Government -
Business -
Community Groups -
Individuals -
Having trouble believing that such things are possible and true? Well, someone once said to me - "If its American and its on video - it must be true", and so, I am providing here, a copy of the 7 minute video "Happy People Helping People" that was created by Hannah in June 2006-
Please note - Due to bandwidth restrictions this video is likely to be taken off line from time to time. If the video doesnt play - please contact us or call again later
So what is happening here in Australia ?
If you would like further information, or can help us add to the information provided here about "Whats happening in Australia", then please - contact us.
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© 2008 Mark Modra